Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tis the season!

It's that time of year. If the holiday lights and decorations didn't give it away, there are 3 commercials that should make it unmistakable as to what time of year it is. The Ove Glove, the Clapper and Chia Pet. Apparently products only worthy of being purchased in the month of December as they are not advertised any other time of the year!

Despite my best intentions of keeping this up to date, I have already missed the boat and this is only my second post! Such is life....busy as hell and no signs of slowing down any time soon!

We all made it through the Thanksgiving weekend. All three boys were sick. With Zach being the most sick and spending 2 days in the hospital. A mild case of pneumonia and dehydration. He was released to go home Thanksgiving morning to join his brothers who were feeling a little under the weather too. Ironically, having the 3 boys sick allowed to me to have the most relaxing Thanksgiving I think I have ever had. Nickie spent the day with us and we made a small meal and for the most part just spen the day on the couch. We missed our families but it was a nice change of pace. All boys are back to normal now.....getting into the usual mischief and plotting to drive Dad crazy!

The boys spent the remainder of the weekend at Nickie's place and I headed up to Mt Spokane where ski season opened with a bang! Unbelievable conditions for opening weekend. This year I have taken on the responsibility of helping train our newest ski patrollers. they have all completed the 3 month long EMT course and now it's my job to help them apply what they have learned in the classroom to the harsh, outdoor mountain environment. This years group is very smart, so I don't expect training will last very long before we are ready to cut them loose on the hill, on their own.

That's all for now. Have a great Holiday Season everyone!